Shri Nagpur Gujarati Mandal's
Sudha Sureshbhai Maniar College of Computer & Management
NAAC Accredited with B+ Grade
EIA Street, Kalamna Market Road, Kalamna, Nagpur 440 035
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4.1.3 Geotag photos-Master Time Table-22-23
AQAR 4.2.2 e-Resources & 4.2.3 Books Expenditure 21-22
AQAR 4.1.3- Geotag Photos & Master - Time Table 2021-22
AQAR 2022-23 1.4.2 Feedback on Syllabus Analysis Report
AQAR 2022-23 Annual Report
SSR/ AQAR - 7.1.9. Activities 28_12_23
SSR - AQAR - 7.1.1Promotion of gender sensitivity
AQAR 2022-2023- 7.1.1. Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan
AQAR 2022-23 (5.1.4)
4.1.3 Geotag photos & Master Time Table 2022-23
AQAR 2022-23 - 4.2.2 & 4.2.3 E-Resources and Books Expenditure
Student Satisfaction Survey 22-23
AQAR 6.2.1 Strategic Plan and Deployment Document
SSR/ AQAR 2022-2023 7.2.1. Best Practices
AQAR 6.4.2 Audit Statement of Account
AQAR 2022-23 (5.1.3)
AQAR 2022-23 (5.4.1) Alumni Meet
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust
3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year (10)
2.6.1 PO & CO
AQAR 2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process
AQAR 2022-23 (5.1.2) IC
AQAR 2022-23 (5.1.3) Capacity building and skills enhancement
AQAR 2022-23 (5.1.1) GOI
AQAR2022-23 Academic calendar
AQAR 3.2. EX. Profile Sanctioned Post
AQAR 2.2 extension profile reserve category
AQAR 2022-23 6.2.2(Organogram)
AQAR 2022-23 1.4.1 Stakeholder Feedback on Syllabus
7.1.11. National Days
AQAR 7.1.10 . Code of conduct comittee
AQAR 7.1.10 . Code of conduct comittee
AQAR 7.1.9. values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
AQAR 7.1.7 Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment
AQAR 5.1.2 College Fees Concession
AQAR 5.1.2 Students benefited by IC 2020-21
AQAR 5.1.1 Students benefited by GOI 2020-21
AQAR P4 Academic Calendar
AQAR 4.4.2: Procedure for maintaining and utilizing Physical, Academic and Support facilities.
AQAR 7.1.6. Green Audit
AQAR 7.1.5. Green Campus
AQAR 7.1.4. Water Conservation facilities
AQAR 7.1.3 Management of degradable and non degradable
AQAR 7.1.2. Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation
AQAR 7.1.1Promotion of gender sensitivity
AQAR 3.4.1
AQAR 3.2.1
AQAR EX 3.2 Sanctioned post
AQAR EX.2.2Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt. rule during the year
College Fees Concession Structure
6.2.1 Strategic Plan and Deployment
Ext Pr 1.1 Syllabus of courses 2019 -20
Ext Pr 1.1 Syllabus of courses 2018-19
Ext Pr 1.1 Syllabus of courses 2017-18
Ext Pr 1.1 Syllabus of courses 2016 -17
Ext Pr 1.1 Syllabus of courses 2015-16
5.1.5 Students Grievances Mechanisum
Action taken on feedback
University Syllabus 2019-20
University Syllabus 2018-19
University Syllabus 2017-18
University Syllabus 2016-17
University Syllabus 2015-16
Sanctioned Post 2019-20
Sanctioned Post 2018-19
Sanctioned Post 2017-18
Sanctioned Post 2016-17
Sanctioned Post 2015-16
2.5.2 Internal Examination
7.3.1. One area distinctive to its priority and thrust
7.2.1 Best practices
1.3.2 & 1.3.3 Project Proof(2019-20)
1.3.2 Project Proof(2018-19)
1.3.2 Project Proof(2017-18)
1.3.2 Project Proof(2016-17)
1.3.2 Project Proof(2015-16)
5.1.1 Govt Scholarships
5.1.2 College Fees Concession
7.1.9. Values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens activities
7.1.1 Gender equity promotion program and Gender sensitization action plan
7.1.5. Green Campus
2.6.1 PO and CO of all programs
3.5.1 Internship (2019-19 & 2019-20)
3.3.2 Research Papers
4.1.1 Infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching - learning
7.1.11. celebrates commemorative days, events and festivals activities
7.1.7 Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment
7.1.3 E-waste Mgm by Nagraj letter
7.1.2. Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation
4.4.2 Physical, academic and support facilities
6.2.2 Organogram of the Institution
6.4.2 Audited Statement of Account Reflecting the Receipts.
7.1.8.Instututional efforts in providing inclusion environment
7.1.4. Water conservation facilities
7.1.1. Institution shows gender sensitivity
5.1.4 Career Counselling Details
5.1.4 Competitive Exam 2018-19 & 2019-20
5.4.1 Alumini Engagement
3.5.2 (h) MoU of Quick Heal 2020
3.5.2 (g) MoU of Delnet
3.5.2 (f) MoU of Haston Solution
3.5.2 (e) MoU of SPRIT Traning and Placement
3.5.2 (d) MoU of Quick Heal 2019
3.5.2 (c) MoU of Jetking 2018
3.5.2 (b) MoU of Quick Heal 2018
1.4.2 Syllabus Analyses of feedback
3.5.2 (a) MoU of Quick Heal 2017
3.2.1 Incubation cell
3.2.2 IPR
3.4.1 & 3.4.2 Extension Activities
5.1.3 Capacity Building
6.5.3 College reports 5 years
7.1.10 Code of Conduct
3.2.1 Incubation cell
3.2.2 IPR
3.3.1 Plagiarism
3.3.2 Research papers in UGC
3.4.1 & 3.4.2 Extension Activities
4.4.2 Maintenance
5.1.3 Capacity Building
5.4.1 Alumni Engagement
6.2.1 Strategic Plan & Deployment
6.5.3 College reports 5 years
7.1.10 Code of Conduct
5.1.1. Govt Scholarships
5.1.2. College Scholarships
5.1.2 College Fees Concession
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